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- /*
- * Structures for the dos interface routines:
- * intdos()
- * intdosx()
- * int86()
- * int86x()
- * segread()
- * intr()
- * driver()
- * driverx()
- */
- struct WORDREGS {
- unsigned int ax;
- unsigned int bx;
- unsigned int cx;
- unsigned int dx;
- unsigned int si;
- unsigned int di;
- unsigned int cflag;
- unsigned int psw;
- };
- struct BYTEREGS {
- unsigned char al, ah;
- unsigned char bl, bh;
- unsigned char cl, ch;
- unsigned char dl, dh;
- };
- union REGS {
- struct WORDREGS x;
- struct BYTEREGS h;
- };
- struct SREGS {
- unsigned int es;
- unsigned int cs;
- unsigned int ss;
- unsigned int ds;
- };
- struct WORDREGPACK {
- unsigned int ax;
- unsigned int bx;
- unsigned int cx;
- unsigned int dx;
- unsigned int bp;
- unsigned int si;
- unsigned int di;
- unsigned int ds;
- unsigned int es;
- unsigned int flags;
- };
- union REGPACK {
- struct WORDREGPACK x;
- struct BYTEREGS h;
- };
- /* The following macros split a long pointer (large model) into
- * offset and segment parts.
- */
- #define FP_OFF(ptr) ((unsigned short)(ptr))
- #define FP_SEG(ptr) (((long)(far void *)(ptr)) >> 16)
- /* construct a far pointer from segment and offset */
- #define FP_CONSTRUCT(seg, offs) ((void *)(((long)(seg) << 16) + (offs)))
- #else
- #define FP_CONSTRUCT(seg, offs) ((far void *)(((long)(seg) << 16) + (offs)))
- #endif
- #define MK_FP(seg, offs) FP_CONSTRUCT(seg, offs)
- extern int intdos(union REGS *, union REGS *);
- extern int intdosx(union REGS *, union REGS *, struct SREGS *);
- extern int int86x(int, union REGS *, union REGS *, struct SREGS *);
- extern int int86(int, union REGS *, union REGS *);
- extern int driverx(far void *, union REGS *, struct SREGS *);
- extern int driver(far void *, union REGS *);
- extern void intr(int, union REGPACK *);
- extern int segread(struct SREGS *);
- extern long msdos(int, ...);
- extern long msdoscx(int, ...);
- typedef int (* __critf_)(unsigned char, unsigned char);
- extern __critf_ set_crithand(__critf_);
- extern int isnec98(void);
- extern int _dos_getftime(int, unsigned short *, unsigned short *);
- extern unsigned char __in_crithand__;
- extern void nosound(void);
- extern void sound(unsigned int frequency);
- /*
- * Byte port I/O macros
- */
- #define inp(p) (*(port unsigned char *)(p))
- #define inportb(p) (*(port unsigned char *)(p))
- #define outp(p,v) (*(port unsigned char *)(p) = (v))
- #define outportb(p,v) (*(port unsigned char *)(p) = (v))
- /*
- * Word port I/O macros
- */
- #define inpw(p) (*(port unsigned short *)(p))
- #define inport(p) (*(port unsigned short *)(p))
- #define outpw(p,v) (*(port unsigned short *)(p) = (v))
- #define outport(p,v) (*(port unsigned short *)(p) = (v))
- /*
- * End of DOS.H
- */